Monday, May 31, 2010


yeah aku suke die and aku busted...tempat keje and gossip spread like electric and water mixing i embrassing abt this?no i dont..this is my right to like anybody i want and a fact is he is the one i want..tiada siapa lagi yg berjaya buat aku suke terhadap mereka..hanye dia..aku pun seringkali bertanye kenapa aku ske pada dia?
yg pasti jawapan itu ade dalam diri die..Tuhan menumbuhkan rasa suka aku pada dia..sampai bila begini..aku tiada jawapan yg pasti..maybe forever................

Saturday, March 20, 2010

tempted to touch

feeling of want to touch n hold somebody...arrghhh..gosh tension..dont ever over the limit.!!
i'm controlling of myself..